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I'm Jonas, a 23 years old Swiss student in Interactive Media Design.

I'm currently working at bebold, a digital studio. My specializations are design UX/UI and frontend development.

As an eternal dreamer, I've always been interested in design, technology and space exploration...

astronaut space spacewalk NASA spacesuit ISS Internation Space Station
sound on sound off |
1 bebold
  • mobile excellence (in collaboration with Google)
  • honorable mention
    What I did
  • Design UI/UX
  • Frontent development
  • Connection to Trello API
bebold – digital agency
3 Gemmes Tech
    What I did
  • Frontent development
  • WordPress Template development
Gemmes Tech SA - Pierres gemmes et nacres pour cadrans de montre
space NASA Moon
sound on sound off |
contact me

Work inquiries only
Available: March ‘19

space NASA Mars
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